Find the Light

When day comes, we ask ourselves:
Where can we find light
In this never-ending shade?
— Amanda Gorman, The Hill We Climb

Dear Friends,

Once again, I sit and write a newsletter after a week of horrific events.

And once again, I am gutted.

It is hard to find the light as we witness trauma upon trauma upon trauma. How can we process all of this and begin to heal? How can we find the light again?

I have no new insights to share. I go back to the idea of taking right action and then working to calm the anxiety that builds between news cycles.

Right action can mean many things. Decide what you want to do and work towards positive change. Even tiny steps make a big difference. And then let’s focus on healing the body. As anxiety climbs, the effect on the body is noticeable. Now, more than ever, we need to practice yoga.

And that, my friends, is why I will continue to teach. I know and believe that yoga offers tools that can help us. One class doesn't fix a lifetime of anxiety, but returning to the mat on a consistent basis will make a difference. Please commit to your practice, whether that is in class with me or with another yoga teacher. Practicing yoga gives you the opportunity to find the compassion in yourself, both for yourself and for others as well. In these times of unprecedented national and global trauma, we need compassion now more than ever.

Our practice this month will focus on the light - the light within us and the light that we can share with others.

As a harbinger of hope, Gorman’s poem ends with the following lines:

When day comes, we step out of the shade,
Aflame and unafraid.
The new dawn blooms as we free it,
For there is always light,
If only we’re brave enough to see it,
If only we’re brave enough to be it.

Let’s be brave enough to be that light. Please join me on your mat as we work our way out of the darkness together.

Love, always love,

Nina G


News & Notes - June, 2022


Siren Song