News & Notes - December 2022

Hello dear friends,

And now it's December. Here's what you need to know this month.

1. There's a new chair yoga video available now - Balanced Being. I created this to help us find balance in our nervous system - especially during such a busy time of year.

2. No classes the week of December 6th. Also, there are no classes between Christmas and the New Year. I'll send out reminders as we get closer to the holidays.

3. Last week I talked about finding the joy that exists all around us. We know that if there's 20-foot Santa across the street from me, there must be some magic in the air. Let's keep our eyes open for it in December.

Instructions for Living a Life
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.
— Mary Oliver

Love & Joy,

Nina G


Hit the Pause Button


Find the Joy