Hit the Pause Button

Hello Dear Friends,

Remember years ago, when we used to watch VHS videos from Blockbuster? Video technology offered us such a different way to watch a movie. We could pause it whenever we wanted. Turn the movie on when you’re ready. Watch as much as you want. Need to get a snack? Hit the PAUSE button. When you’re back in your seat, hit PLAY again. Bathroom break? PAUSE. Press PLAY when you’re ready. AS MANY TIMES AS YOU LIKE! Without a doubt, it was life-changing. Watch a movie on your time, at your convenience. Amazing!

The good news is, that opportunity to pause stayed with the changing technology – Laser Discs, DVDs, TiVo, and now streaming services all offer that same button. We can take a break when we need it, and then move forward when ready.

This month, I’m focusing on the idea of deep rest in our yoga classes. December is notorious for being full of frenzy and urgency. We need to give ourselves a chance to rest.

As I’ve been working my way through the sequences and trying out what I want to teach, I feel like I’m hitting the PAUSE button. This practice allows me to take that break, to take that breath. In that space on my mat, I can do whatever I want without feeling the pressure of the world around me.

The nice thing is, when my practice is over, I don’t need to hit that PLAY button right away. I can take my time to ease back into the chaos of daily life. That is the power of yoga. It offers me a pause and a little bit more.

Please join me on your mat. Let's hit that PAUSE button together.

Love and love,

Nina G


The Stillness of the Solstice


News & Notes - December 2022