Gift of the Darkness

The darkness itself offers the gift. Each day, the darkness comes sooner, comes deeper, comes blacker than ink. It draws us in, into our homes, yes, but more so into our souls.
— Barbara Mahany

Hello my friends,

Here in the Northern hemisphere, we’re at that point on the calendar when the world outside is telling us to slow down and hibernate. The daylight is shorter, the temperature is cooler, and we are reminded to turn inward. Pause, reflect, and connect with your higher self.

On the other hand, our culture is telling us to pick up speed and get stuff done. Shop, decorate, bake, ship, celebrate. It can be a lot and it’s definitely overwhelming.

Chances are good that we’re all living somewhere in between these two extremes. How can we find a way to process and balance those two conflicting messages?

I’m gonna go with yoga.

My classes this month will focus on the deep rest that we want to find, that we need to find - that we must find - if we are to live well. We won’t just lie on our mats for 60 minutes (although that’s not a bad idea…) but we’ll work to identify how we feel, release the tension that is resident in the body, and move the nervous system towards calm.

Sounds like a plan.

Join me on your mat.


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Thanksgiving Gratitude