An Infinite Dance

Hello my friends!

We practiced balance this past week. We’ll probably be practicing it again this coming week. For those of you that were frustrated, fret not…the mere fact that we even attempt to find balance is amazing!

Consider just a few of the external factors affecting our balance: our earth rotates at about 1,000 miles per hour at the equator. That’s pretty darn fast. Let’s not forget that while the earth is spinning, it’s also moving in a big circle around the sun (at about 67,000 mph).

And here we are in our yoga class, trying to balance on one leg; trying to come up on onto our tiptoes; or kneeling down and extending one leg and one arm. The fact is, for the most part, we are successful. We learned to walk upright as babies. That simple act of walking is quite a balancing feat!

The laws of physics will be there the next time we roll out our mat. We have met the challenge and we refine our actions with each attempt. Perhaps our core and legs will be stronger tomorrow or maybe we'll be tired. We will keep adjusting and try again.

It's an infinite dance between movement and stillness.

Won't you please join me?

Nina G


The Yoga of August


News & Notes - August 2024