The Art of Being Still

There is an art to being still and I am practicing.
— Barbara Mahany

Hello friends,

There’s too much going on in the news right now for me to make any significant comment. Anything that I say would sound trite and hackneyed…that is never my intention in this newsletter. I put these words together to share what’s in my mind and heart and to offer you the chance to reflect as well.

Sometimes it’s easy. This week, it’s hard.

Here’s what I know. My heart is heavy but I don’t want to move into a place of fear. It is easy to get paralyzed by fear. It’s a feet stuck-in-concrete, unable to think or act, default mode when the world becomes too much. Lots of anger can be there as well.

Instead, I will intentionally go to my mat and find stillness. Stillness is different from paralysis. Stillness is a choice that I can make. I can move my body and revel in those movements, and then carefully and mindfully make my way to stillness. Maybe my mind can follow me there as well - finding a welcome moment of calm in this crazy, busy world.

In that brief moment of mind/body stillness, my wish is to glimpse a course of right action. I want to find a way to move forward with grace - despite the fear, despite the anger.

I want hope.

It's definitely a practice.

I happened upon some crocuses this week. I took this photo to add them to all of my media headers. They offer me hope. They’re just now starting to poke their heads up. I’m pretty sure that the tulips and daffodils can’t be far behind.

If I were stuck in fear, I doubt that I would have seen them. I'm so glad that I noticed them.

I am practicing the art of being still. Please join me.

Love & stillness,

Nina G


Fly Me to the Moon


Despite the Forecast