Thanksgiving, 2022

Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us; and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips and shows itself in deeds.
— Theodore Roosevelt, Proclamation 466

Dear Friends,

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you this week! No matter how you will celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday this year, I hope that you enjoy your time with friends and family. The changes in our daily routine add some excitement (and busyness!) to the next few days and then the whirlwind will settle again.

During this bustling time (now and through December) don’t forget to take time for yourself. Yoga is there for you. I will be offering my Wednesday night Movement & Stillness class on Wednesday, November 23. If you aren’t on the list for that class and would like to attend, please respond to this email and I’ll add you to the list.

In all of my classes this month we have been practicing with gratitude. We create our ‘gratitude pictures’ in our minds at the start of class and then we bring that picture into our hearts. We embody gratitude within our heart and live that gratitude through our actions and deeds.

It’s a powerful practice.

It’s a simple practice.

It’s a gratitude practice.

Teddy Roosevelt had it right - simply saying thank you isn’t enough. But it’s where we can start.

Thank you, dear friends, for being a part of my yoga journey.

With love,

Nina G


Find the Joy


Stillness & Silence