September Sun & Passeggiata

the sun is hanging
a little lower
these days

that means it’s
time for you to

become another
source of light
— John Roedel

Hello my friends,

When we moved into summer, I added a passeggiata to my list of fun activities. In Italy, the passeggiata is a leisurely walk after dinner. It isn't a power walk (I do that in the morning). It doesn't require thick soled shoes. It's just movement after dinner. I'd like to think that it aids in digestion. I added it to my routine as the days got longer. I love my passeggiata. I try to keep my headphones off and just enjoy the outdoors. The cicadas are especially loud this September - some evenings they can even drown out the sound of the airplanes!

I know that we're headed into the autumnal equinox soon (September 22). Daylight is getting shorter and that means that my after dinner stroll will get shorter as well. The weather guy on the news said that we lose over 50 minutes of daylight throughout the month of September. That hurts!

This time of year is glorious and it's hard as well. I love the energy that I have when things are not quite so hot outside. It's refreshing to pull out the sweaters and sweatshirts and knit a new scarf (done!). On the other hand, I'll have to give up that stroll and I know that we're barreling towards winter's darkest days where daylight ends before dinner even begins.

Let's become a source of light for each other instead.

This week we will turn our focus to grounding - connecting to and accepting the support of the earth beneath us. I like to think of the earth as a giant recycling center. We can release what doesn't serve us into the earth and perhaps it will go to someone who needs it. Once we let go of the old stuff, we can gather what we need as well...strength, confidence, direction, and support.

How does that manifest within a yoga practice? Well, we pay close attention to our connection of our feet, sitting bones, hands, knees, etc. to the mat. We connect and then move from there. We will work with an even breath, trying to keep that slow even pace even when we ramp up the asanas.

These are concepts that we can take off our mats as well. Let's move with intention, with awareness. Let's respond to challenges with equanimity. We will let our actions lead the way for others. We'll be the light that others can use to navigate their own ways through the world.

Join me on your mat.


Monday, September 13 - 8:30 am - Slow Flow with Nina G (NOTE THE LATER TIME!!! The link will be out soon.)

Monday, September 13 - 4:00 pm - Slow Flow with Nina G (After school class added back to the schedule!)

Wednesday, September 15 - 7:30 pm - Movement & Stillness

Chair Yoga Video - Back to school, back to basics - let's revisit this video.


In other news, I have created a new video series with my Pilates teacher and friend, Erica. This series includes 8 short (20 minutes or less) videos focused on specific areas of the body. We designed them to be something you could do to get moving in the morning and still make it to work on time.

Check out our Age Well, Be Well website for more information.

Shine on,

Nina G


The Treehouse and the Holy Spiral


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