Salute to the Sun

Here comes the sun, doo-doo-doo-doo
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s alright
— George Harrison

Hi friends!

The autumnal equinox is upon us. On Thursday the sun will shine directly on the equator and then we begin our journey towards the winter solstice. Another round for all of us!

Since the beginning of the month, I’ve spent some time travelling. As an early riser, I’ve been able to see the sun rise in all parts of the country. It’s been an interesting comparison.

I was in Seattle at the beginning of September. Every day I woke up to gray skies and lots of cloud cover and fog. A few hours later, it seemed like a curtain slowly opened to reveal the outdoors. It was beautiful when it finally cleared and the sun appeared. Sun of clouds and fog, we salute you!

In western Pennsylvania, the sun was different. There was a golden quality to it and it flooded the floor and the dark corners. I actually thought that there was a new lamp or something since the quality was so different from the sun that I know in the Midwest. It came up over the hills, pouring its golden beauty all around us. Golden sun, we salute you!

In Indiana and Illinois, the skies are dark and then they lighten to gray. Then I start to see some pink and orange and – just like that – the sun is up! It’s like there’s a switch that someone throws - and boom! - it’s daylight. The photo above was taken in Indiana just before the light switch was turned on. The sunlight is most beautiful when reflected on the high clouds. It’s light and bright and ready to bake the fields. Nurturing sun, we salute you!

Our sun salutes in yoga take many different forms – I try to offer variations that can serve all of my students. As we practice them this week, let’s be mindful of the fact that there are many different ways the sun joins us each morning.

Sun, we salute you!

Love & Sunshine,

Nina G

Reminder – the Monday afternoon class returns tomorrow at 4:15 pm.




Exclamation Marks Galore…