In Like a Lion?

Hello dear friends,

Spring is in the air! We are experiencing warmer weather this weekend - it’s great to get outside and move around. While we all know that March weather can be crazy here in Illinois, the warmer temps offer us some hope for the blossoms of springtime.

Seen in the spruce forest at the arboretum.

We visited the arboretum again this week. We came upon the display above while walking through the spruce forest. I thought it was a positive use for the pinecones. It was a great day to be outside. A little too early to see any green shoots or buds, but you know that it’s just beneath the surface. You can really feel it. Spring is waiting to arrive.

What’s happening outside correlates with what’s happening inside our bodies as well. We are waking up the body to the new energy that’s out there – more sunshine, more warmth, more opportunity for movement. Don’t you feel that lift in spirits when the sun is out?

Sometimes it feels like it’s two steps forward and one step back (snow is expected here on Monday…), but eventually we will make our way out of winter and experience new growth and longer days.

How can our yoga practice serve us in this transition between the seasons? Well, we will be paying attention to our connection to the earth, grounding the body and re-rooting ourselves. We build our resilience so that we’re ready when the warmer winds blow. We’re grounded and secure. We will also work with simple flow sequences, bringing fluid motion into our joints and reducing the stiffness that comes with the cold or stillness.

So that’s the plan. Connection and fluid movement to help us feel rejuvenated and ready for the challenges ahead.

Please join me on your mat.


Nina G


Let the Glitter Settle


Tiny Acts