Grace Among the Waves

Life is going to unfold
however it does.
What a relief it would be
to know that whatever
wave comes along,
we can ride it out with grace.
If we really got good at it,
we could be like surfers,
delighting especially at the
most complicated waves.
— Sylvia Boorstein

Hello dear friends,

The high winds at the end of this past week meant that there were some incredible waves on Lake Michigan. 18-foot waves on Lake Michigan, of all places. The local news aired videos of rough water, high winds, and rocky shorelines. Surfing wouldn't have been a great idea.

At the same time, the waves are incredible to watch. Such power.

We were near the lake yesterday, at Soldier Field. While the winds were still swirling around in the stadium, the waves in the lake had calmed down. I enjoyed the grandeur of the lake as we drove up DuSable Lake Shore Drive. It was amazing to know that it had been so fierce 36 hours earlier and had returned to its calm glory.

Some days I feel like the waves keep coming. There's lots happening all around us. I look for grace among the waves of busy-ness, news, and noise. I want to get back to a state of calm - I need to.

This week our practice will flow with grace-filled movement. We'll let the breath guide us and fill us as we ride the waves.

Please join me on your mat.


Calm Spirit


The Treehouse and the Holy Spiral