Hi friends,

To those of you that are celebrating Easter or Passover this weekend, I hope that you were able to relax, recharge, and focus on the ritual. There is a noticeable change in energy when schedules and routines are disrupted. When we return to our ‘regularly scheduled programming’ we have a fresh perspective.

My daughter and son-in-law were at my home for the weekend (they usually attend my Wednesday night Zoom yoga class.) We were sitting around the kitchen table after lunch on Saturday and I joked that they should write my weekly newsletter for me. They immediately responded with a list of common words/phrases/activities from my Wednesday night class. A BINGO card, if you will.

It made me laugh to hear their take on what I always say - interesting to hear their perspective. Some things I say in all my classes, some are unique to Wednesday night. All are accurate! Here are a few of their observations...

It’s Wednesday night – this one is a reminder that we don’t need to overdo ANYTHING. Our yoga class should be a time to shift away from the constant go, go, go, and find a time to restore the body’s energy. We have permission not to push so hard. It’s Wednesday night...just relax!

Don’t pry – I say this when we are in a seated twist. I want to keep our spine and our sacroiliac joint safe and healthy. I say it on Wednesday night but also on Monday, Tuesday, etc. It’s a valid instruction and it bears repeating! Don’t force anything in yoga.

Be fussy – I always encourage this as we set up for our final relaxation pose. In a virtual yoga class, I can’t see your set up. If we were in person, I would be able to see your bodies resting in savasana and offer suggestions for deeper relaxation. I’d be fussy about it. Since I’m not there, it’s your job to be fussy and allow yourself to relax.

Tadasana Blanket – We use folded blankets a lot on Wednesday night. They help to support us as we rest. I have spent HOURS learning how to fold blankets properly for yoga. One fold that we use quite often is the TADASANA fold – a simple fold that gives you a long, thin, support. If you take Wednesday night yoga with me, you know how to fold it.

Zoom/technology Problems – Yep, even after two years of teaching on Zoom, there are still issues. When I first started on Zoom and something weird happened, it really rattled me. I’m getting better at taking it in stride now. Still have some learning to do...

Let the Glitter Settle – This is a classic that I say after we are resting in stillness (cf. March 20 newsletter). We move again slowly and try not to disturb the sense of calm and then we sit and allow any disturbance to settle.

BINGO! Those are some of the squares on their yoga card. I’m sure there are lots more. I'm just glad that we all can practice yoga together.


Nina G


The Kindness of Tulips


Food, Fine Art & Yoga